We were lucky enough to find a break in the torrential rains we had in August to hook up with ex-Alaska Aces professional hockey player Paul Williams for a day on the lower Kenai River. This guy knows how to fish and have fun. Paul has turned his passion for hockey into a passion for fishing. Of course, it does not hurt when your father-in-law (Stuvek's) has river front property on the Kenai River. However, Paul claims that had nothing to do with why he married her. While Grandpa (Bob Stuvek) entertained his Grandchildren, we went fishing. I do have some familiarity with Pauls father-in-law as he is well known as a school teacher and for officiating high school, college and the Great Alaska Shootout basketball games, which I also work as a official at the scorers table. The day could not have been more perfect for fishing as we had great weather, limited out on Silvers by noon and the kids had a day to remember ... a trifecto!
Ty, Brooke & Morg preparing to mine Silvers tomorrow morning. A kid's gotta loosen up before fighting one of Alaska's most aggressive game fish ... don't ya think?
The next morning Morgan had the hot hand right off the get-go! Brooke was close behind. Tyler hooked up fairly quickly also. Ready for the Pro-Bass-Tour?
By this time I had limited out first on Silvers and of course we had caught a gazillion Pinks (Humpys), when Brooke stole the moment with her 15 pound Coho! Great catch Brooke, the smile tells it all. Seeing your kid that happy makes it all worth while ... unforgettable.
The day's catch! We kept one Pink ... Tyler insisted. On the way home we decided to stop and have some fun at the Alaska Woodcarvers place.